
Collaboration Agreements Between Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva and Renmin Law School


GHRS 2015_Renmin-Unige collaboration.jpg

At the third  conference of the universities of Geneva, Harvard, Renmin and Sydney (GHRS) which was organised by the University of Sydney, the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva and Renmin Law School took advantage of this meeting to conclude two cooperation agreements

The first one is an exchange agreement that aims at strengthening and developing the cooperation between the two entities through the exchange of students, professors and doctoral students, as well as the organization of joint classes in the field of international and comparative law. The second one is a special agreement on "Innovative Talents Training Project" which will enable students of the Law School of Renmin to follow the courses of our Faculty Masters programs for a year. These agreements are as promising for the Faculty as they are for the University of Geneva.


More information about the 2016 application available at:

Cooperation and Exchange Agreements with Harvard Law School

The agreement concluded between the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva and the Harvard Law School provides, in principle, the opportunity for one semester of exchange to one master student and a PhD candidate per year.

More information about application available at:

